


a regal home for cypherpunks

Our Projects​

Hacker House

Grab your laptop, pack your bags and start hæcking while enjoying summer in a real castle! 

We are looking to establish the first blockchain museum in the world! It is meant to be a physical and interactive experience learning about the history of the technology behind Bitcoin – the blockchain. We already have some exhibits like early HW wallets, paper wallets and also the first t-shirt of the Ethereum project from January 2014 (which did not even have a logo back then).

Blockchain Museum

NFT Gallery

Are you a curator or an artist and would like to exhibit your NFTs inside the castle? Get in touch with the CryptoCastle team!

We are looking for experts to create an energy concept for the castle. Solar, waterpower and gas should be the main energy sources besides some wood which is naturally growing in the Park. Expect a public announcement about this soon!

Energy Concept Competition

and more...